Adult Goals

Manage & Achieve Your Financial Goals

The financial services that adults need will depend on their individual circumstances and financial goals. It's important for adults to consider their financial needs and seek out financial services that can help them manage their finances effectively and achieve their financial goals. 

a happy family of three smiling

Financial Goals FAQs for Adults

Discover the answers to frequently asked questions about managing and achieving financial goals for adults, and learn how to make informed decisions for a secure financial future.

Financial Planning

There are several reasons why you should consider saving for retirement with MY CREDIT UNION: 

  • Convenient account options: MY CREDIT UNION offers a range of convenient retirement savings account options, such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts (IRAs), to meet your individual needs and goals. 
  • Professional financial guidance: MY CREDIT UNION offers financial guidance and support, such as one-on-one consultations with financial advisors, to help you create a retirement savings plan that meets your individual needs and goals. 
  • Competitive rates: MY CREDIT UNION offers competitive rates on retirement savings accounts, which can help you maximize your savings and achieve your retirement goals. 
  • Convenient banking services: MY CREDIT UNION offers a range of convenient banking services, such as online banking and mobile apps, to make it easy to manage your retirement savings account and track your progress. 

Overall, MY CREDIT UNION provides a range of benefits that can make it an attractive option for saving for retirement. It's worth considering MY CREDIT UNION as you explore your retirement savings options. 

There are several reasons why you might consider using MY CREDIT UNION for estate planning: 

  • Professional financial guidance: MY CREDIT UNION offers financial guidance and support, such as one-on-one consultations with financial advisors, to help you create an estate plan that meets your individual needs and goals. 
  • Convenient account options: MY CREDIT UNION offers a range of convenient estate planning account options, such as trusts or wills, to meet your individual needs and goals. 
  • Competitive rates: MY CREDIT UNION offers competitive rates on estate planning accounts, which can help you manage your assets and achieve your estate planning goals. 
  • Convenient banking services: MY CREDIT UNION offers a range of convenient banking services, such as online banking and mobile apps, to make it easy to manage your estate planning accounts and track your progress. 

Overall, MY CREDIT UNION provides a range of benefits that can make it an attractive option for estate planning. It's worth considering MY CREDIT UNION as you explore your estate planning options. 

Finances can change in a number of ways once a person gets married. Some of the ways that finances may change include: 

  • Combining income: Once a couple is married, they may combine their income and manage their finances together. This can involve setting joint financial goals, creating a budget, and making decisions about how to allocate their resources. 
  • Shared expenses: Married couples may also have shared expenses, such as rent or a mortgage, utilities, and other household bills. This can involve negotiating who will be responsible for paying which expenses and making sure that all bills are paid on time. 
  • Joint assets: Married couples may also have joint assets, such as a house or other property, that they own and manage together. This can involve making decisions about how to use and invest these assets, and deciding how to divide them in the event of a divorce. 
  • Taxes: Being married can also affect a couple's tax situation. For example, married couples may be able to file their taxes jointly, which can result in tax savings. 

Overall, being married can involve a number of financial changes, and it's important for couples to communicate openly and make financial decisions that are mutually beneficial. 

Here are some typical financial steps that you may need to take when buying a home: 

  1. Determine your budget: Before you start looking for a home, it's important to determine how much you can afford to spend. This will help you narrow your search and ensure that you are looking at homes that are within your price range. 
  2. Get pre-approved for a mortgage: It's a good idea to get pre-approved for a mortgage before you start looking for a home. This will give you an idea of the size of the mortgage you can qualify for and help you make an offer when you find a home you want to buy. 
  3. Shop for a mortgage: Once you have a good idea of how much you can afford to spend, you can start shopping for a mortgage. This involves comparing loan offers from different lenders and choosing a mortgage that meets your needs. 
  4. Make an offer: When you find a home you want to buy, you will need to make an offer. Your offer should include the price you are willing to pay, any contingencies (such as a home inspection), and any other terms you want to include. 
  5. Get a home inspection: Before you finalize the purchase of a home, it's a good idea to get a home inspection to identify any potential issues with the property. 
  6. Close the deal: Once you have negotiated the terms of the sale and any contingencies have been met, you will be ready to close the deal and become the owner of the home. 

There are several financial differences between renting and owning a home: 

  • Monthly costs: Renting a home typically involves paying a monthly rent payment, while owning a home involves paying a monthly mortgage payment as well as other expenses such as property taxes, insurance, and maintenance. 
  • Upfront costs: Renting a home typically involves paying a security deposit and possibly other upfront costs, while buying a home involves paying a down payment as well as closing costs. 
  • Long-term costs: Over the long term, owning a home can be more expensive than renting, as you will be responsible for paying all the costs associated with maintaining and owning the property. However, owning a home can also build equity and potentially appreciate in value, which can provide financial benefits.  
  • Home equity can be cashed out or used as collateral for other borrowing needs.   
  • Flexibility: Renting a home typically offers more flexibility than owning a home, as you can move more easily if your circumstances change. Owning a home involves a longer-term commitment and may involve costs associated with selling the property if you decide to move. 

Overall, there are both pros and cons to both renting and owning a home, and the financial differences between the two options depend on a variety of factors. It's important to carefully consider your financial situation and goals when deciding whether to rent or own a home. 

Credit Health and Monitoring

There are several reasons why you should check your credit report annually: 

  • To ensure accuracy: Credit reports can sometimes contain errors, such as incorrect account balances or payments that were not recorded properly. By checking your credit report annually, you can catch any errors and dispute them with the credit bureau in order to have them corrected. 
  • To monitor for fraudulent activity: Checking your credit report annually can also help you catch any fraudulent activity, such as unauthorized credit accounts or charges. By catching fraudulent activity early, you can minimize the potential damage to your credit score. 
  • To understand your creditworthiness: Your credit report provides a detailed overview of your credit history, including your payment history and credit utilization. By checking your credit report annually, you can get a better understanding of your creditworthiness and identify areas where you may need to improve. 
  • To stay informed: Checking your credit report annually can help you stay informed about your credit and make more informed financial decisions. 

Overall, it's important to check your credit report annually in order to maintain a healthy credit score and protect your financial well-being. 

It is not uncommon for employers to check the credit history of job applicants, particularly for positions that involve handling money or sensitive financial information. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), employers are allowed to check an applicant's credit history as part of the hiring process, as long as they comply with certain requirements. 
For example, employers are required to get the applicant's permission before checking their credit history and to provide them with a copy of the report if they request it. Employers are also required to follow the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which sets standards for credit reporting agencies and requires them to maintain the confidentiality of credit reports. 
However, it's important to note that not all employers check credit histories as part of the hiring process. It may depend on the specific position and the employer's policies. 
Overall, it's important for job applicants to be aware that their credit history may be checked as part of the hiring process and to make sure that their credit reports are accurate and up-to-date. 

Landlords may check an applicant's credit score as part of the rental application process in order to determine their financial stability and ability to pay rent. A good credit score can be an indicator of financial responsibility and may make an applicant more attractive to a landlord. 
However, it's important to note that landlords may consider other factors in addition to credit score when evaluating an applicant, such as their income, employment history, and rental history. 
If a landlord does check an applicant's credit score, they are required to follow the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which sets standards for credit reporting agencies and requires them to maintain the confidentiality of credit reports. Landlords are also required to get the applicant's permission before checking their credit score and to provide them with a copy of the report if they request it. 
Overall, it's important for rental applicants to be aware that their credit score may be checked as part of the application process and to make sure that their credit reports are accurate and up-to-date.